
Recently I've been on the ground floor with a internship program through the former editor of UWeekly and Fit Columbus, Ship. Ship was created to help get college kids the resources they need to get ready to enter the competitive job market. When I heard about this I had to jump on the shots to do the first set of headshots!


My wonderful fiance and I have been planning our destination wedding in Colorado and in September we took our first trip to check it all out. Plus it was a perfect time and place to use my new Fuji Instax Polaroid camera, film is not dead people.

Red Bud!!!

Every 4th of July weekend is the annual AMA Motocross race at Red Bud in Buchanan, Michigan. Four days and three nights of partying, passionate riders and dedicated fans.


While shooting Lemon Sky and Betsy Ross at Ace of Cups in Columbus I also got the pleasure of shooting Cincinnati natives, Orchards. Be sure to check these dudes out!